29 kms away from Sikar is the village of Jeenmata. The population of the village is under 5,000. The tourist importance of this village is from the ancient temple that is dedicated to the Goddess of Power or Jeenmata. This temple is believed to be over a thousand years old. During April, and October/November every year, thousands of devotees visit the temple for a colourful festival.

JeenMata Sikar
To accommodate this large gathering, many dharmasalas (free dormitories) are built around the temple. Atop the hill adjoining the Jeenmata temple is the temple of Harsh Bhairav Nath, reckoned as the brother of Jeenmata. For tourists visiting during the busy days in April/October/November, a day trip is considered ideal since much of the modern day facilities necessary for a good night’s sleep may be absent around the temple. Continue reading Jeenmata Mandir at Sikar Rajasthan