Incomparable Architectural Beauty of the Bhandasar Temple

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The Bhandasar Jain temple in Bikaner city is among the most visited tourist destinations in Rajasthan. The temple is also known as Bhandreshwar. The construction of the temple was commissioned by a rich merchant Bhandasa Oswal in the year 1468. The construction of the temple was completed only after his demise […]

Elegance of Laxminath and Shivbari Temples in Bikaner

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Laxminath Temple Bikaner

The Laxminath temple is popularly known as the oldest temples in the city of Bikaner. Bikaner city in Rajasthan is famous for its magnificent temples and architectural beauty and grandeur. The city of Bikaner was founded on the premises of the Laxminath temple by Rao Bikaji in 1488 […]

Rajasthan Climatic Conditions Affecting Way of Life & Role of Aravali Range

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The Rajasthan state is spread in an area of 343000 square kilometers which has been very distinctly divided by the presence of Aravali Range running from north-east direction to south west direction and cover distance of 688 kilometers from north-east to south-west falling within the state. It appears to be the […]